Wednesday, March 11, 2009

4 month pictures / video's...finally


Stephanie said...

Ah he is SO cute! I love his little smile and how he wiggles so much :)

Emily said...

I just love that boy so much! Those pictures are really cute. I especially like the one of him having tummy time. He looks so concerned. He's a cutie!

Heather and Spencer said...

Oh my goodness, he is too cute!

Katie Fish said...

Oh Carly...he is SO cute! I can't wait for the serious laughter to start. We just get very little giggles every once in awhile. He's SO SO cute!

Jeana said...

Carly, I love the pictures, I have no Idea how Cru can pull faces like that, I'll have to show Kurt when he gets home from work. I can't wait to meet you finally in May!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

He's just a cute baby!! Congratulations!
I just found your blog and had no idea you had a baby!!
Yea for babies!!

Lila said...

i went back and answered the question about tab blankets on the bottom of the post. :)
i love the videos and wanted to hear his voice but i couldn't figure out how to pause your music to hear the videos (i really liked the music though).

Leah said...

So so so so so so cute. He looks just like you Carly. Thanks for posting these.

Lila said...

ahhh. much better now he SOUNDS cute too! ;)
and to answer "how does she do it".. i do it all half way lol.

Jeana said...

P.S. We got a card from similac formula in the mail. The lady on it looks exactly like you..... but with short dark hair.... are you secretly a model by night?