Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And his name is...

Okay, so I'm not really going to spill the beans and tell you the name we have picked out. That would just make this whole ordeal of keeping a secret for 9 months pointless! And we're on the home stretch so I think I can hold it in for a few more weeks ;) But I did tell Shad that we are not doing this again! 

But I would love to know if any of you have ideas of what the name is. I know our friend Sean spent time on the internet looking after we gave him clues. Sorry I can't give everyone clue's but if any of you have ideas we'd love to hear them! 


Anonymous said...

Let's see....Howard? OK. Even Howard agreed we wouldn't name our child that. Ooppps....what if it was "Howard"? It wouldn't be the first time I pt my foot in my mouth. I'll guess 3 times, but if I get it, you MUST tell me right away. It is , after all, only fair.☺
1. Corey (after the BMX guy)
2. Michael or Daniel (well, you never know!)
3. OK, 4. Uncle Buck (is that how you spell it?)
Let me know if I came close! This is fun!!!


Jeana said...

OH Names are so much fun! Kurt and I are so so excited for you to have your baby! Congrats! My guess is Shad Junior I guess... I hope you are doing well... And getting sleep.

Jeana & Kurt

Riley and Breanne said...

Yes, please don't do this again... I'm really curious to know!!

Anonymous said...

Michael said Harold and Daniel said Derek. They thought uncle buck was the best name!


Anonymous said...


Robert and Bethany said...

Ethan, since you really want to name your first child after me, but since it's a boy you couldnt possibly name him Bethany, so you took off the B and the Y to make Ethan!

The Pollock Family said...

Wow congrats!! My husband says you come into his store all the time. Simply Mac. Hope you guys are doing well!! Kami and Fam

Elise Maygren said...

Well I would tell you some cool names but you might take them so I will tell you some cool names next week after you have you crazy crazy little boy named Sue (johnny cash song boy named sue lol)

Riley and Breanne said...


Alice said...

I seriously think it's awesome that you guys are keeping it a secret... (I've actually been stalking your blog every-so-often to see if you'd give any hints). Well, the word verification says I must type in the word "ethesh" Maybe that's close? BTW, I never saw the photo blog before--Shad does good work! Robert says Hi.